Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Technology Review Assignment

Windows Hololens

Google glass had it’s shot but now it’s time for the Windows Hololens. This could be a potential game changer for education by having a device that could make any room a completely 3D experience. If you have never gotten the chance to watch the trailer of this device please click my embedded link to fully understand its capabilities. I believe as a future teacher, my generation’s hurdle will be understanding and utilizing wearables.

Google Glass had a vision of a world where you would have a device attached to your face and it would be almost your silent passenger as you shopped for groceries, went on vacations or wanted to relive the night before, but now Microsoft wants to expand on that idea and completely change your life. In their quick but seemingly effective video, it seems in a short time that you will be able to use technology as way to enhance the areas around you in the real world. As a teacher I understand students may be coming into a classroom in the near future with this device on their face and I’ll have to find a way to react.

Instead of shunning these devices, I'm looking forward to incorporating them into the classroom. Wearables may make the classroom a challenge for some educators but I think used correctly they could add great benefit to not only the students but to the teachers as well. Instead of having a traditional classroom setting, we may be able to sit in a classroom while having students venture to other parts of the world of watch live events as they unfold using these wearable devices. Imagine explaining the crossing of the Delaware to your students as they see George Washington and his men all in boats rowing to surprise the enemy on a cold Christmas morning. Alongside experiencing history, students could also have live feeds to current events and be able to listen to presidential debates or inaugural speeches as they if they were in the room. It could add a different level of sense of a candidate or person by being able to read their body language first hand. Alongside going on adventures students could learn to interact with each other through the use of wearables.

Referencing the trailer below, Microsoft is really gearing this new wearable as being able to impact the environment of the user. Looking at this device for students it would be interesting to see what things students could build or change within the vicinity of the classroom. They could have virtual projects where entire classes would contribute to engineering different projects and learning to create real world things within the vicinity of the classroom. The possibilities of these devices are endless and it is with these devices we will develop web 3.0

Monday, February 1, 2016

Personal Learning Network Assignment

  1. I utilize Reddit for my daily consumption of the web. I select my own interests and learn new things about them through user generated content and comments that come from individuals reactions. This information is current and always changing so it’s a good medium to stay up to date with new information on the web.
  2. I use twitter for news and status updates from my favorite sport athletes. I find the hashtags overwhelming and instead of using current popular hashtags I go directly whoever it is I’m looking for an opinion or information from that person.
  3. I rarely use Linkedin, so I will have to find previous coworkers and develop a network with them.
  4. I think it’s good to step outside of your comfort zone and try new mediums of communication. I believe that Linkedin would be a good resource to use on a resume that would show your youthfulness and also give a picture of yourself. Going forward I will make it a point to create and use Linked in. Although, Twitter, I find confusing and would much rather use Google News, Nytimes news, The Economist and Reddit for my overall web consumption.