Monday, February 1, 2016

Personal Learning Network Assignment

  1. I utilize Reddit for my daily consumption of the web. I select my own interests and learn new things about them through user generated content and comments that come from individuals reactions. This information is current and always changing so it’s a good medium to stay up to date with new information on the web.
  2. I use twitter for news and status updates from my favorite sport athletes. I find the hashtags overwhelming and instead of using current popular hashtags I go directly whoever it is I’m looking for an opinion or information from that person.
  3. I rarely use Linkedin, so I will have to find previous coworkers and develop a network with them.
  4. I think it’s good to step outside of your comfort zone and try new mediums of communication. I believe that Linkedin would be a good resource to use on a resume that would show your youthfulness and also give a picture of yourself. Going forward I will make it a point to create and use Linked in. Although, Twitter, I find confusing and would much rather use Google News, Nytimes news, The Economist and Reddit for my overall web consumption.

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